Senderos offers two scholarship programs for students on the pathway to higher education.
Senderos offers scholarships to high school seniors who are going on to post-secondary schools who have participated with Senderos dance, music, and/or tutoring. Seniors who have participated as a dancer, musician, and/or tutor at any time for at least three years may apply. Seniors are evaluated on the basis of an essay and the quality of involvement with Senderos.
¡Adelante Santa Cruz! supports a selected group of first generation Branciforte Middle School students and their parents on a college bound path. Many of these students cannot otherwise hope for a college education due to lack of awareness or lack of funds. Beginning in middle school students are selected by teacher recommendation. They are encouraged to maintain a 3.00 GPA, be involved in extracurricular activities, and participate in community service. Through semi-annual meetings they are exposed to a variety of speakers and topics. Their growth as students and individuals is reflected in mandatory essays.
At the completion of their high school junior year students are presented with a $500 scholarship for the college application process. At the end of their senior year Adelante students receive $500 for college. Many of these students will be the first in their families to attend college or university.
We seek sponsors and donors who are interested in supporting this unique scholarship program.
Celebrating Senderos 2024 Graduates

Celebrating Senderos 2021 Graduates
Senderos is proud to showcase our 2021 seniors who received scholarships to realize their dreams for higher education. These young people are achieving the underlying mission of Senderos – creating pathways to success. Become a part of helping youth achieve their dreams for college and career by clicking the button – just add a note that your donation is for scholarships.

Alexandra Ximena Martínez-Cavadias (Harbor High School) will be attending UC Irvine to study criminology. Alexandra has been dancing with Senderos since she was four years old. She said, Baile folklorico has been my biggest passion, and through dance, I have learned about my culture, made incredible friendships, been a part of an amazing community, and learned how to be a leader, and gained confidence in myself. Through Senderos, I found a much needed outlet while growing up that has taught me discipline, respect, empathy and passion.

Angélica Medina Jenaro (Harbor High School) will be attending UC Merced to study mechanical engineering. Angélica has been part of Senderos since her family migrated from Mexico when she was a small child. Angélica has been both a dancer and musician with Senderos. She said, I love sharing my heritage through dance. My body telling stories of different times, people, and struggles. I’m the audience’s time machine, in which they are able to see the past. Senderos not only offered me a home, but also reintroduced me to my culture, and they helped prepare me for the future.
Arturo Lara (Soquel High School) will be attending Cabrillo College and wants to become a mechanical engineer. Arturo participated in Senderos’s ¡Adelante Santa Cruz! program which supports a selected group of students from middle school to high school graduation. Arturo said, My role models are my parents because they are very hard-working and do not give up; there is always a way to solve the obstacles. They did not have the opportunities to continue studying, so I want to take advantage of the opportunities I have. I want to finish university and get my master’s degree. My values are to focus on my family and my studies.

Claire Bourdow (Pacific Collegiate) will be attending Tulane University. Claire received a scholarship for her time as a dancer beginning in second grade and helping to promote Senderos. She said, My experience with Senderos was nothing short of exceptional. Immersing myself in a new group of people and then performing for a large audience I came to understand I could accomplish things I never imagined I would. Baile folkórico gave me a new sense of confidence and provided me with an outlet for expression.
Emily Jasso Estrada (Harbor High School) will be attending UC Merced with an interest in psychology. Emily has tutored with our Plaza Comunitaria since she was in seventh grade. She said, Senderos has helped me identify and learn more about my Latin culture, gain leadership experience, become more confident in myself, as well as motivated me to pursue higher education. Latino Role Models [Conference] helps everyone see that no matter what race, ethnicity, and wealth you are, you can make a difference in this world, and each year I’m reminded that I can be like them.

Francisco Calderón Cervantes (Harbor High School) will be attending Cabrillo College and wants to become a mechanical engineer. Francisco has been a part of Senderos since immigrating to the US five years ago. He has been a musician and volunteer. He said, Thanks to Senderos I have gone on college visits to UC Berkeley, Stanford, CSU-Monterey Bay, and Saint Mary’s College. At Latino Role Models it was surprising to hear testimonies of people who arrived in the same conditions as me and came out as successful people. Thanks to the help of Senderos, I have realized that I want to go as far as they do, to one day also say, “Yes I can, and I am an example of it.”
Jazmín González Rojas (Harbor High School) will be attending Fresno State University to study architecture. Jazmín joined Senderos in 6th grade and has been a musician, dancer, and Board Trustee. She said, Senderos has focused on building and reinforcing a connection between my self-identity and my culture through dance and music. Since 2018 I have served as a board member of Senderos. I was introduced to a new level of professionalism and learned how to write proposals, lead fundraisers, plan retreats and make smart decisions to help Senderos continue serving my community and reach more people.

Kimberly Ashley Serrano Chávez(Harbor High School) will be attending UC Merced and wants to be a physician. Ashley said, Senderos has given me the opportunity to grow as a person as well as make friends for life, but the most important way that it has impacted me is giving me the sense that I belong. Senderos brings people that feel split between two cultures [American and Hispanic] together. When I am participating in Senderos community events I feel like I am home.
Xitlali Xiomara Zúñiga-Gross (Stevenson School) will be attending UCLA to study linguistics. Xitlali started dancing with Senderos in third grade. She said, Senderos is made up of people of a variety of ages and since I started when I was eight, there were many older people who gave me advice and kept me on the right track. Without Senderos I would not have this positive self-confidence, the skills to celebrate and defend my culture, or the connections I have today.