Ensamble Musical

Inscripciones cerradas ¡vuelve a consultar durante el verano!

Registration closed, check back in during Summer!

Clases de música rítmica GRATIS para niños y adultos. Todos los niveles son bienvenidos, desde principiantes hasta avanzados.

Los instrumentos se proporcionarán según sea necesario.

Lugar:  Santa Cruz Adult School (319 La Fonda Ave, Santa Cruz, CA 95062 )

Solicitud de Actuación

Parte de la misión de nuestra organización sin fines de lucro es compartir danza y música tradicional de México con la comunidad. Si usted está interesado en que Senderos participe en un evento, por favor complete este formulario para darnos información adicional. Tenemos un calendario de presentaciones muy completo, así que por favor comuníquese con nosotros lo más pronto posible.

Aunque no tenemos una cuota fija para participar, le agradecemos una donación para ayudarnos a continuar proporcionando servicios gratuitos y acceso equitativo a las artes escénicas para los jóvenes latinos de bajos ingresos.

(831) 854-7740

FREE rhythmic music classes for children and adults. All levels are welcome – beginner to advanced.

Instruments will be provided as needed.

Location:  Santa Cruz Adult School (319 La Fonda Ave, Santa Cruz, CA 95062 )

Performance Request

Part of our nonprofit’s mission is to share traditional dance and music from Mexico with the community. If you’re interested in having Senderos perform at an event, please complete this form to give us additional information. We have a very full performance schedule, so please reach out to us as early as possible

While we do not have a set fee for performing, we highly encourage a donation to help us continue providing free services and equitable access to performing arts for low-income Latino youth.

(831) 854-7740

Horario de clases • Class Schedule

Nivel / LevelHora / TimeDía / Day
Iniciación musical5-6pmLunes/Miércoles
Instrumentación básico7-8pm
Martes/Jueves, Tuesday/Thursday
Sabado, Saturday
Instrumentación avanzado6-7pm
Martes/Jueves, Tuesday/Thursday
Sabado, Saturday
Instrumentación básico (maderas)7-8pmMartes/Jueves
Instrumentación percusiones6-7pmLunes a Jueves
Monday through Thursday
Percusiones (banda)7-8pmLunes/Miércoles,
Lunes/Miércoles, Monday/Wednesday
Sabado, Saturday

Ensamble Musical is a music program for youth ages 7 to adults. There is no charge for the music classes, but we ask for a strong commitment to regularly practice and perform. Music classes are held evenings and weekends at a Santa Cruz school site. Instruction is provided primarily in Spanish, with English interpretation available as needed.

We currently offer music classes for all levels. Students will be placed in levels based on instructor recommendations, taking into account their knowledge and commitment. The instructor teaches using rhythm, and students learn to read music in the following instruments: trumpet, clarinet, saxophone, trombone, flute, tuba, and percussion. We also have the capability to provide some loaner instruments to students. 

Enrollment is open throughout the year. For more information about the current schedule, contact: info@scsenderos.org  or call (831) 854-7740.

We have an exciting partnership with CIS (Centro de Integración Social #8) School in San Bartolome, Zoogocho, Oaxaca, a public boarding school in Oaxaca known for their exceptional music program and preserving the Banda de Viento regional style of music. We sponsor a cultural exchange with students from CIS to come to Santa Cruz and share the cultural tradition of the Banda de Viento music from the region with our students and the greater community. We have been fortunate to have music teachers trained at CIS.