
Get Involved Volunteer_6735

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EVENTS: Do you love to help organize events? We can use help with planning, publicity, soliciting sponsors and donations, and working at events – especially at our Vive Oaxaca Guelaguetza festival in May.  Even a few hours can make a difference!

TUTORS: We need tutors for Math, English, Computer Literacy, and Spanish grammar to work with children, teens, and adults.  After-school, evening, and weekend classes need your help!

ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT: We can use help with data entry, website maintenance, grant writing, graphic design, and publicity. Volunteer to work with experienced nonprofit and school administrators and learn valuable skills!

BOARD OF TRUSTEES: We are always looking for community members to help support the vision and mission of our nonprofit. The Board meets four time a year and board members support our programs and events. Contribute your efforts, skills, and talents to our inspiring organization!