What is Senderos?

Senderos is a multi-service nonprofit creating pathways to success and building community by sharing Latino culture through cultural arts and by fostering educational opportunities. Senderos, meaning pathways, celebrates Latino culture and history through the artistic expression of dance and music, as well as supporting student academic success and adult basic education. Senderos provides equitable access to the arts by offering free after-school instruction with Centeotl Danza y Baile and Ensamble Musical. Linking young people to their heritage enhances self-esteem and promotes family unity. Performing at over 20 school and community events each year, Senderos stays connected to its Oaxacan roots with Vive Oaxaca Guelaguetza, an authentic cultural festival with dance, music, food, crafts presented every May. While representing their countries of origin with pride, Senderos participants bring art, culture, and community together to break down barriers and increase understanding and the acceptance of diversity throughout Santa Cruz County.